Brian McBurney
Much loved husband to Jill, Father to Caz and Nicky and Grandad to Ben, Seb, Sam and Izzy.
A celebration of Brian’s life will be held on Friday 20th May, 1.30pm at St John’s Church Brooklands, Brooklands Road, Sale, M33 3PB.
Please indicate your intention to attend by clicking here
The family invite you to join them following the Church service for the wake at Brooklands Sports Club, Whitehall Road, Sale, M33 3NL.
No flowers please, but donations to New Start Charity: Donate to New Start | crm.newstartcharity.org. The link should take you straight to the donations page – please enter Brian’s full name into the “Reason for Donation” box and the charity will ensure that all donations are sent to the Jim Quick ward which took such great care of Brian and all of the family.
The family have chosen this charity as, by some magical stroke of luck, Brian was admitted onto the Jim Quick Ward in Wythenshawe Hospital which is actually a heart and lung transplant unit. Brian and Jill knew Jim and Elaine Quick and Brian was there for two weeks before he passed. To say that he thought he was in a private hospital goes a little way to describing the amazing care and love he was shown by every single member of staff there. Not only did they look after Brian with such incredible care but also Jill, Caz and Nicky when at their most stressful, emotional and saddest of times and the family can’t thank them enough. The family hopes that donations can help other families in the transplant unit and keep it a special place to spend time.
If you would prefer to make a cash or cheque donation these will be collected at the back of St John’s Church. Please make any cheques out to: “Wythenshawe Hospital Transplant Fund” (the official charity name).
Any queries, please contact Sara Fixter on [email protected] or 0161 928 6080.