Helpful Information & Our Services
We understand that for many people it can be very difficult to make funeral arrangements when someone has died. Death and dying are not subjects that everyone feels comfortable talking about and therefore people may not feel very knowledgeable or informed about funeral choices or the process of arranging a funeral. Some people, however, have arranged many funerals and are true experts by experience and we recognise that people therefore may want a very different style and tone of support from a funeral director.
We believe that easy access to the right information can make everything seem much more manageable and less bewildering. If you don’t feel like you already know everything that you need to, then we hope that the following pages will be helpful. If there is anything that we haven’t included, or if you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We will be very happy to help you with no obligation to use our services after that.
The first few pages give information about how to register a death and provide some financial information about funeral charges and support, which might be available to you. They also contain information about funeral wishes, or purchasing a pre-paid funeral plan. In the next section we share information about a range of funeral choices and more specific options such as green funeral choices. There is also information for people for when their pet has died.
More information about funeral choices, and the prices associated with those choices, can be found on our options and prices page. We also support people who wish to arrange a direct cremation or a home funeral so please get in touch if you would like to discuss either of these in more detail.
There are a wide range of other sources of information about funerals available on the internet. For example, the Good Funeral Guide and Natural Death Centre both have very informative websites, designed to empower people to ensure that they are able to make funeral choices that are helpful to them.
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![Funerals your way book](
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