Support with Bereavement
Bereavement affects people in diverse ways and there is no right or wrong way to feel. You may feel shocked or numb on learning of a bereavement. You may feel angry or feel some guilt or you may simply cry and feel sad. In time these feelings may begin to change as you adapt to a different way of life. When someone dies, your bond with that person does not stop, but will develop into a different but equally significant relationship (a continuing bond).
In a society and culture where were don’t speak openly about grief, many of us don’t fully appreciate the psychological and physical feelings that we may experience. This may they also lead us to worry about whether these feelings are “normal” – we could encourage you to watch this Marie Curie video, where some people share their personal experiences.
You may or may not want support with bereavement; everyone is different, and some people wish to grieve privately whereas others may find it helpful to get support from friends, family or professionals who have relevant skills and experience. We warmly invite you to join our peer bereavement support group, if you think that might be helpful.
If you feel that you may benefit from some additional support, your GP may be able to refer you to local support groups or counselling services and if you are employed, your company may offer an “Employee Assistance Program” which may be able to offer you support.
Below are some contact details which you may find useful in supporting you or other friends or family members in the event of a death.

Leeds Bereavement Forum
The forum can provide up to date information about bereavement services in Leeds, as well as related events, conferences, and special interest groups.
Call: 0113 225 3975
Bradford Bereavement Support
This support group is run by concerned volunteers and has developed a team of trained volunteer counselors who offer bereavement counselling.
Call: 01274 619522
Cruse Bereavement Care
This nationwide service provides bereavement counselling, advice, information, and social contact.
Call: 0844 477 9400
HOPE Bereavement Support
Offering support for parents or mothers who have suffered the loss of a child or pregnancy.
Call: 07505129161
The Compassionate Friends
Giving support to parents whose son or daughter has died.
Call: 0845 123 2304
The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
This foundation provides support for the parents of a baby who has died suddenly and unexpectedly.
Call: 0808 802 6868
Macmillan Cancer Support
This service provides cancer information, practical advice, and emotional support for patients, families, and friends who are bereaved by cancer.
Call: 0808 808 00 00
The UK’s national charity for road crash victims provides support to those bereaved or injured in a road crash.
Call: 0845 4500355
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide
SOBS offers group meetings, telephone support, and information to those recently bereaved by suicide.
Call: 0844 561 6855
Child Death Helpline
This is a helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child of any age, from pre-birth to adult, under any circumstances, regardless of when it happened.
Freephone: 0800 282 983
The Samaritans
A charity offering a supportive person to talk to. There are more than 180 branches open 24 hours a day.
Call: 08457 909090
Care For The Family
A national charity supporting people who face family difficulties
Call: 029 2081 0800
Cruse National Helpline for Young People
This youth involvement project aims to support young people after the death of someone close to them.
Call: 0808 808 1677
WAY Foundation
Support for young, windowed men and women across the UK, regardless of martial or parental status.
Call: 0300 012 4929
The Terrence Higgins Trust
A charity providing practical support, help, counselling, and advice for anyone with or concerned about AIDS or HIV infection.
Call: 0808 802 1221
Sudden is a service that is for people who have been bereaved by a sudden death. Those that would like to use Sudden’s services are encouraged to make contact in the early days of bereavement.
Call: 0800 2600 400
Maggie’s Centre
Maggie’s say: “If you’ve lost someone you love to cancer, we’re here to listen to how your feel; we can help you find a way to go on and start to move forward.’
At A Loss
Here you can search all UK bereavement services, practical information, find helpful reads and helplines and access free on-line professional counselling all in one place.